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Everyone knows how the sun effectively helps our body to produce vitamin D (also known as “sunshine vitamin”). It is possible to obtain vitamin D only through the action of sunlight or through the intake of certain foods.
But why is it so important? Vitamin D helps our body effectively use calcium and phosphorus to strengthen bones, teeth, muscles and the immune system.
In Italy, 80% of the population have vitamin D deficiency, which has a significant impact on the spread of bone diseases and mortality. A curious but worrying fact, defined as a “Scandinavian paradox”, indicates a greater deficiency of vitamin D in the Mediterranean countries compared to those of Northern Europe, where exposure to the sun is much lower. This paradox is due to the fact that in the Scandinavian countries over time strengthened their habit of supplementing diets with more foods containing vitamin D.
Few foods naturally contain it and eggs, especially the yolk, are one of the best natural sources. Our hens raised in the open air, thanks to the contribution of sunlight and a specific diet, are able to lay eggs with a much higher amount of vitamin D than those raised indoors.
Our goal has always been to offer you healthy products that can balance taste and nutrition and to do so there is no better ingredient than nature. A simple ingredient that we cannot give up.